EL Linux Community |
Guild Master | metlinux |
Members | 3871 |
Short Name | LNX |
Website | website |
Guild Description | We are a democratic, non-PK guild with a small number of active players. We accept members with an interest in Linux or Unix-like operating systems. |
How to join | You must have at least one skill (other than overall) above level 20 to join. Please contact a LNX player in-game to ask about membership. |
Holy Knights & Merchants |
Guild Master | Amethyst |
Members | 394 |
Short Name | K&M |
Website | website |
Guild Description | K&M is a fun, friendly guild for all skills. We are always looking for new and enthusiatic players to join us. No bag-jumpers and troublemakers, etc. |
How to join | Minimum Age 18, 1 skill at lvl 40 (exceptions may be made) and a sense of humor. Apply to any Guild Member |
Guild Master | EatsAllLife |
Members | 368 |
Short Name | RICH |
Website | website |
Guild Description | To join message EatsAllLife, WAteRHeaRT, Evil_Beaver or IndestructaMule |
How to join | Joining the guild: Non-teamplayers need not apply. Skill 20+ (Not A/d). Agree to our rules. |
People Enlightening Newbs |
Guild Master | Gogalthorp |
Members | 286 |
Short Name | PEN |
Website | website |
Guild Description | We try to enlighten some newbies and make sure everyone in the guild gets some good training done. |
How to join | If you like helping new players , and the spirit of cooperation, feel free to contact any member for rules and joining info. |
Guild Master | Charn |
Members | 282 |
Short Name | IRON |
Website | website |
Guild Description | We operate as a loose republic and a tight group of friends. Our tag is IRON |
How to join | Apply on our forums. Must have 2 skills at 25 or higher. (Not including OA or Harvest) |
FeaR |
Guild Master | HeyU |
Members | 216 |
Short Name | FeaR |
Website | website |
Guild Description | We are a guild that goes bump in the night.We are a guild of Makers and Breakers. We allow pk. no scammers, bagjumpers or begging allowed |
How to join | to join ask a member or apply at our web site |
Spania Universia |
Guild Master | Albacea |
Members | 216 |
Short Name | Ozu! |
Website | website |
Guild Description | Grupo de amigos, internacional y sin finalidad bélica. |
How to join | Para unirte a Ozu! ... Habla con cualquiera de nosotros ;-) |
Holy Dragon Knights |
Guild Master | DrAGONgOd |
Members | 192 |
Short Name | HOLY |
Website | website |
Guild Description | The Holy Dragon Knights were a grand old guild, that had been around for many years. Sadly even good things end. HOLY is now part of EL history. |
How to join | Being rebuilt from the ground up, DragonGod is willing to accept any honorable applicants. No bag jumpers, scammers or nerduels. |
Cohors Exercitus Legionis |
Guild Master | Lotharion |
Members | 183 |
Short Name | CEL |
Website | website |
Guild Description | The House of Beaver is sworn to uphold the Pax-Aeterna, and dedicated to preserve the friendly and relaxed community of Old-EL (fun for all!) |
How to join | Invite Only. Get to know the CEL guildies and if you fit in, one might invite you. |
Legion of Renegade Crusaders |
Guild Master | Nessa |
Members | 146 |
Short Name | done |
Website | website |
Guild Description | this was once a great and nobel guild. however we are continue to function under the new guild LoRC |
How to join | not accepting new people |
CZECH Eternal Guild |
Guild Master | Calio |
Members | 141 |
Short Name | CZE |
Website | website |
Guild Description | Nase gilda je ryze ceskoslovenska, prijimame pouze lidi, dodrzujici nasledujici pravidla: http://www.eternal-lands.cz/forum/index.php?topic=291.0 |
How to join | Prijimame pouze lidi mluvici cesky nebo slovensky/We accept only czech and/or slovak speaking people. |
Knight Alliance |
Guild Master | lyndy |
Members | 128 |
Short Name | *KA* |
Website | website |
Guild Description | *KA* Knight Alliance. We are a guild of Honorable Knights. Please contact any member if wanting to join. |
How to join | Please contact zathras or bud to join |
#nU |
Guild Master | Tokie |
Members | 114 |
Short Name | #nU |
Website | website |
Guild Description | A guild under reconstruction. |
How to join | Ask Tokie. |
Syndicate |
Guild Master | Tukin |
Members | 110 |
Short Name | SynD |
Website | website |
Guild Description | We are a group of friends who think of each other as an EL family, and are always here to help. If interested PM us or leave a message via Mercator. |
How to join | Contact SirPantalone, Tukin or Gomecz to join. No bagjumpers, beggars, scammers or outlaws. Any skill above 20 (not OA) to join. |
Guild Master | ManimaL |
Members | 105 |
Short Name | RIOT |
Website | website |
Guild Description | A group of RIOT'ers have Invaded Seridia & Irillion!! Join them in the fun, goofy chats! If you're looking for a guild of fun, then RIOT is for you. |
How to join | (GM) STORMHAWK COUNCIL: NINA_ | IndestructaMule | LePeir | Dominus_Mortis | WANT TO JOIN THE RIOT ? P.M. A MEMBER TODAY! |
Pure Rangers |
Guild Master | Bazzy |
Members | 104 |
Short Name | *PR* |
Website | website |
Guild Description | Home of the EL Charity Raffle. We are a fun group of players who value friendship over skills. A little bit Crazy but very loyal! |
How to join | Read the Guild Rules (f2) Contact us via forum or pm WolfWitch Nyx or Noah |
F&F |
Guild Master | The_Grud |
Members | 104 |
Short Name | F&F |
Website | website |
Guild Description | Friends & Family, an honorable guild with players old and new of all experience levels. We avoid drama! Play as you like, and just Have Fun... |
How to join | We are a no drama guild with guildies of all levels, , , contact The_Grud...Dehlia..Mags or any guildie for more information |
Lords & Ladies of Legend |
Guild Master | Falig |
Members | 100 |
Short Name | LLLo |
Website | website |
Guild Description | We are the Lords and Ladies of Legend, an honorable Guild with a long history in the Eternal Lands. Bag-Jumpers, Scammers, PKers need not apply. |
How to join | 16yo minimum. OA20 and one skill (other than A/D) of 30 or above. Chat with any LLL Member or PM Gil_Manel for more info. |
Justice & Honor |
Guild Master | nera |
Members | 94 |
Short Name | J&H |
Website | website |
Guild Description | We are mature and honorable players who desire to have fun, develop skills, and enhance the EL community. Trade bots: Nera and Emporium. |
How to join | Justice & Honor is currently recruting. Please PM any guild member for more information. |
mystical warriors |
Guild Master | Willa |
Members | 92 |
Short Name | MWAR |
Website | website |
Guild Description | We are a productive and friendly guild dating the early days of EL. Our members enjoy many aspects of the game, combat and non-combat. |
How to join | To Join MWAR you must have 2 skills above level 30, not incl. harvesting. Honesty and integrity required. Contact IngalfTass for more information |
Crusaders of the Shroom |
Guild Master | Leif |
Members | 91 |
Short Name | LoRC |
Website | website |
Guild Description | Created to establish an environment for members to freely pursue their own goals, while still having unity through friendship, trade and guild events |
How to join | #jc 39993 and introduce yourself to begin the process :) |
Rivan Warriors |
Guild Master | Adarah |
Members | 83 |
Short Name | Riva |
Website | website |
Guild Description | The Rivan Warriors are a friendly, peaceful guild. We bring honor to our guild through fellowship, team work, and helping others in need. |
How to join | only when you're an invited non-pk'er. |
Guild Master | Leonis |
Members | 83 |
Short Name | ^@^ |
Website | website |
Guild Description | PIGS to uczciwa i sprawiedliwa gildia ludzi silnych psychicznie, potrafiacych smiac sie z samych siebie ^@^ |
How to join | Rekrutacja tylko i wylacznie przez spelnienie warunków rekrutacji gildii PIGS (dostepne na stronie gildii) |
Poland |
Guild Master | Karolus |
Members | 82 |
Short Name | PL |
Website | website |
Guild Description | Najwieksza i najdluzej istniejaca polska gildia EL. Council (Rada Gildii): Karolus (GM), Bzdziagwa, Cree, Wloczykij. |
How to join | Napisz podanie na forum. Wymagany dowolny skill na 20 (oa to nie skill) i znajomosc poprawnej polszczyzny - Cree sprawdzi! \o/ |
Fire Dragons |
Guild Master | Bomb_Shop |
Members | 82 |
Short Name | {FD} |
Website | website |
Guild Description | Friendly, helpful guild who love playing EL, be it frequently or not. We don't accept BJers, scammers or PKers. Guild language is mostly German. |
How to join | PM Greypal, Lalaith, or Steinbeisser or click 'Join Us' on our webpage! |
Legends of the Empire |
Guild Master | SkClutch |
Members | 82 |
Short Name | ~LE~ |
Website | website |
Guild Description | We are a community that is relaxed. Everyone has a equal say, and everyone is equal. To apply for a membership go to website |
How to join | We are by invitation only and we only invite <3-ly people! please visit the website for more information and show us your <3 |
Legion of the Serpent |
Guild Master | lots |
Members | 81 |
Short Name | LotS |
Website | website |
Guild Description | We are a fun and friendly guild run by Elf_Ninja & Usul. High Council: Zilvador, MysticViper and Ragnar. |
How to join | We require a lvl of 25+ in 1 skill and at least lvl 5 in 5 other skills, serious applicants only. no bjrs scammers outlaws beggars need apply |
Robin of Sherwood |
Guild Master | BruSu |
Members | 77 |
Short Name | RoS |
Website | website |
Guild Description | Let us open a bottle and do our best to save each other's souls ! no bj and other unfriendly things allowed! |
How to join | PM BruSu, Krazes, Bernie55 or LadyX91 |
Herbalists of the Emerald Blade |
Guild Master | Basil |
Members | 75 |
Short Name | HERB |
Website | website |
Guild Description | We welcome both seasoned players and those who are new to the game. Only those with honor need apply. Hit F2 to visit our website for more info. |
How to join | Use the "Sign Up" link atop our website and send a PM in-game to our Guild Master Basil or one of our officers, Zilding or Cyrrast. |
Hardcore |
Guild Master | Legatus |
Members | 73 |
Short Name | =Hc= |
Website | website |
Guild Description | Hardcore (Peace Through Power) |
How to join | You can't. |