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Info about perk "ONE"

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Hi, my friends and I were wondering about this perk. 6 pps for 60k seems pretty fair for a high-leveled char. As we noticed, we only see a mine once in 3 months. Personally I've never seen a ward in my entire life of EL. I still remember, tough, when I noticed a mine in MM I got a message saying something like "You're in mine range of XXX" (pardon me, I really don't remember what the message actually was), but anyway, the point is, if we get a message telling us that we're in range of a mine or those dangerous things of engineering, so the perk is totally USEFUL, unless of course the mines and wards are INVISIBLE in the map and we can't actually see them.

(Also, we don't have any real intentions for PKing) =D


I've looked for a topic talking about this perk but I didn't find anything, that's why I've decided to create this one:


* Is the perk worth for someone who has >250 HP and is always with a ROSTO in Inventory?

* Are there any ONE users who could share some experiences about this?

* Is it really worth in your opinion (Pr0s and N00bs)?




Thanks, we appreciate the space and we're looking forward to your replies.



Keep on Rockin EL \m/

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Once players find you have the perk, plan on buying the one removal from the shop or typing #reset twice. I don't think anyone who has the perk currently will be replying in this thread though it would be very funny if they did. :(

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You don't need to step on a mine to be killed by it. A typical technique is to place a mine next to you and summon a rabbit, which blows up the mine NEXT to you and causes you enough damage to die. Another way is to use remote control mines, only people with the one perk will be killed by it. People also place mines in the portals room, killing One-perk players as they change maps, or at the exit of the underworld, so you cannot get out once you died, since that death already used up your rosto. I know a peaceful (non-pk) player who lost over 500k gc of gear that way.

All in all I think it is a very bad perk, but a nice income generator for radu :icon13: However, keep in mind you have to wait for him to get back from vacation before you can buy a removal stone. Meanwhile you can use #reset to get rid of it.

Just my two cents.

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I was considering taking this perk to get max emu as I was gearing up for my reset. I didn't though because of the price and the amount of time I would have the perk.


I have had friends who held the perk for over a year before being found.


If you take the perk, be prepared to go incognito for awhile. Avoiding portals, popular storages, harvesting areas and such.

That being said, many choose to avoid this perk. Players and especially trade bots should not get this perk.

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Now that's what I call "giving a hand"!!!


Guys those info were very useful. I was silly not to think about the consequences of being discovered, and the whole thing about portals and summoning near the mine, YIKES!


Thanks for the help, I really appreciate.




Let there be ROCK! \m/

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as i was a One perk user i can maybe share my experience on the perk :

For me it was really 6 free pickpoints, many people knew i had the perk but i never got bombed, not even once, the only time i died by a mine in a non pk area was when i bombed myself by accident.

And also having the one perk helped me bomb people who had it too, i remember getting several CoLs doing that and tricking people who had the one perk it was really fun and added much to the game.


If i have one thing to say : get the one perk =D

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I had it from the time it came out untill the removals came out. If you can keep it to yourself you MAY be ok, but seeing this thread, I doubt it. If you do take it, keep two rostos on you and be prepared to log off in the underworld, use storages most don't, and avoid invasions, portals rooms, afking anywhere anyone may find you, just about anywhere anything fun is happening.

The entire time I had it, only got caught by a mana drain ward once, teleing into votd to get a prize i won from Annatira, but afaik, no one saw it. It really wasn't a huge bother to my playing style at the time, but I removed it as soon as I could, as it does limit what you can do. But, back to my main point, only 1 person knew I had it. Tbh, unless you need it for some short period of time, and are prepared to reset or remove it fast, I would suggest against it. But, maybe you should get Newhope's opinion on the matter first

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The entire time I had it, only got caught by a mana drain ward once, teleing into votd to get a prize i won from Annatira, but afaik, no one saw it.

I saw it, as I've placed that ward, great way to discover people with the one, but I could never really bother to bomb anyone.

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For me it was really 6 free pickpoints, many people knew i had the perk but i never got bombed, not even once, the only time i died by a mine in a non pk area was when i bombed myself by accident.


Not true :whistle: I remember you PMing me asking if I was the one that bombed you at NC storage one day and I laughed because that's how I found out you had the one perk :D


On topic though...


6 PP is not even close enough to the amount of PP I would expect to get for a perk this miserable.

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I would advise against taking this perk if you are a mouthy player who likes to be seen in the latest gear. It might be safe on an incognito player who users it for a limited period and has already put plans in place for its removal.

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I used to have the perk when I was a lower level & needed the PPs, but now I don't think its worth it.

I got bombed twice, both time when I died & on returning to my db someone had placed mines around it to get more stuff off me. I also got bombed once in VotD sto & then on return, died at the boat, lost full iron set. Unless you can afford to buy rosts off Radu every week, its gunna be a real pain.



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How often do you walk around with a rostogol stone? If that is not too often it will be no problem :)


Also, if you EVER forget rostogols when wearing ur best armor, don't take it. Always remember that you have the perk and do not leave the UW without a stone. 6 pps is alot.


Edit; I even got HS, it is all about what you are willing to sacrifice for those pick-points.

Edited by ProHibited

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