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Linux package files into CVS i.e. debs

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A topic that has been discussed several times before is that of creating install packages for Linux. In the past rpm and deb packages have been made but they have not been maintained or officially released. I was unable to find the package creation files for any previous attempt for Debian packages so I had a go myself; I've never done deb packages before so I'm still learning. Anyway, I have created two packages, eternallands (the client) and eternallands-data (the data) and intend to create other packages for sound and music. The data package works on Debian and Ubuntu, I've created system dependant client package files for Ubuntu 8.04 and Debian Lenny. The client package includes a run script to check/fix your el.ini file setting of data_dir; you will be prompted if you want the fix applied. An icon is also added to the Games menu.


If you want to try out these packages, you can get them (once they have finished uploading) here but please note, these are not official packages. The client is the latest CVS from today, build with default options, the data is the 1.6.0 release with the graphic for the new settings button included. To install, download the client and data package then as root or prefixed with sudo:

dpkg -i eternallands-data_1.6.0-1.1_all.deb eternallands_1.6.0-1.1_i386.deb
aptitude install -f

The latter command resolves any broken dependencies. The above link also contains an archive of the package files used to create these packages.


I'd really like these packages to be maintained into the future and may be officially supported/sanctioned. Also, I'd like to see other packages created for other Debian distros and possibly rpm packages too. To this end, I'd like to add the package creation files into the client CVS repository. I'm not quite sure how best to configure the directory tree for this but I propose a new CVS module, called say packages. This could contain a directory for each package type, starting with one for debs.


Entropy, if you are happy to give this a go, I'll set everything up. Once this is done, we can make any changes needed to the package creation files. May be we could even create debian and rpm package archives so that people can just aptitude /yum install/update the packages....

Edited by bluap

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Oh great! I am very happy you gave this a shot bluap


When I get home tonight I will have a go at installing your .deb files


Cheers, S.

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I discussed doing these package files with Entropy and he has agreed with my proposal.


I have just committed two new directories to the elc module on berlios:


1) The debian directory contains the package files for debian distros. There is a readme in there that explains what to do. It's relatively easy once you install the necessary deb building packages. These files are quite different from my initial versions so if you're interested take another look.


2) The pkgfiles directory should be usable for other packages not just debian. There's a desktop file, icons and a wrapper script for the client etc.


For the data packages, I've created a new module on berlios called installpkg. In there I have committed the debian package files for the data package (again quite different). Sound and music will follow soon.


I've spent most of today learning to use the Ubuntu lauchpad. It's rather nice! I have successfully uploaded packages there where they have been built and published ready for downloading via the Ubuntu package manager. All you have to do is add the line "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pjbroad/ubuntu hardy main" to your package sources. Then "aptitude update && aptitude install eternallands" and you're done; this can be done via the GUI tools in the Administrator menu if you prefer. Of course, as I'm not an official Ubuntu developer the packages can not be authenticated. So far only Ubuntu 8.04 packages are available but I'll do others soon. Other distros might be more tricky....


Feedback welcome :)


P.S. I've be removing most of the files from http://www.mediafire.com/ soon.

Edited by bluap

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I've spent most of today learning to use the Ubuntu lauchpad. It's rather nice! I have successfully uploaded packages there where they have been built and published ready for downloading via the Ubuntu package manager. All you have to do is add the line "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pjbroad/ubuntu hardy main" to your package sources. Then "aptitude update && aptitude install eternallands" and you're done; this can be done via the GUI tools in the Administrator menu if you prefer.
If you would like to host a debian repo, I'd be happy to lend some bandwidth for that.

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If you would like to host a debian repo, I'd be happy to lend some bandwidth for that.
I'd certainly like that, Debian is my desktop distro, the packages build for that fine. It was the runner up in the distro survey too so the demand is there.

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What's the status on this? If you have the Debian packages (with their repo files) ready to go, cool - I recall seeing them around somewhere. If not, I should be able to build i386 packages on my machine and their repo files on my server.


I could also have a shot at building x64 packages in my Ubuntu64 QEMU VM but I don't know what the success possibilities of that are likely to be.

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What's the status on this? If you have the Debian packages (with their repo files) ready to go, cool - I recall seeing them around somewhere. If not, I should be able to build i386 packages on my machine and their repo files on my server.


I could also have a shot at building x64 packages in my Ubuntu64 QEMU VM but I don't know what the success possibilities of that are likely to be.

Sorry, I posted to the other thread about the Debian packages. I've got myself some hosted space and put them there. For Debian I can only build for i386 but intend to enquired about using the Debian build servers; from the sound of things its possible to get an account on them. For Ubuntu we're covered as the Launchpad system automatically builds versions for several machine types and so they are already available; multiple releases too.

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Sorry, I posted to the other thread about the Debian packages. I've got myself some hosted space and put them there.

Yeah, I noticed that. I wasn't sure if that was meant to be temporary or not. I tried to access it via http (browser) and just got 403's so I wasn't able to mirror it.


For Debian I can only build for i386 but intend to enquired about using the Debian build servers; from the sound of things its possible to get an account on them. For Ubuntu we're covered as the Launchpad system automatically builds versions for several machine types and so they are already available; multiple releases too.

Yeah, Launchpad is a funky setup. I wasn't aware of being able to use Debian build servers unless its an official package, but if you can that would be awesome.

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Yeah, I noticed that. I wasn't sure if that was meant to be temporary or not. I tried to access it via http (browser) and just got 403's so I wasn't able to mirror it.
Ah, apt can access it fine; it targets specific files so has no problem. I need to configure directory listing type access I guess. As I said, I've only just got the space so I'm still setting things up. BTW, thanks again for your offer to host these files; I feel a bit guilty for going off and doing my own thing. I often have a need to put files on webspace and my ISP space is tiny so I thought, what the heck, get some proper space. Edited by bluap

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Ah, apt can access it fine; it targets specific files so has no problem. I need to configure directory listing type access I guess. As I said, I've only just got the space so I'm still setting things up.

Sure, no probs. It's not very important as most people of course will use apt, but I think its handle to have browser access for a repo. At least, if nothing else it is kinda standard.


Anyways... really not a big deal.


BTW, thanks again for your offer to host these files; I feel a bit guilty for going off and doing my own thing. I often have a need to put files on webspace and my ISP space is tiny so I thought, what the heck, get some proper space.

Don't feel guilty. I haven't been wanting to mirror much EL stuff as I wasn't sure how my usage would be and something like that could end up with a decent amount of usage (and Learner would kill me) so its probably best to not. ;-)

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BTW, thanks again for your offer to host these files; I feel a bit guilty for going off and doing my own thing. I often have a need to put files on webspace and my ISP space is tiny so I thought, what the heck, get some proper space.

Don't feel guilty. I haven't been wanting to mirror much EL stuff as I wasn't sure how my usage would be and something like that could end up with a decent amount of usage (and Learner would kill me) so its probably best to not. ;-)

You pay for the bandwidth and you can do it ... the machine can handle it fine.

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You pay for the bandwidth

lol, yeah, that was my point. I expect you would kill me for ramping up the bandwidth with that sort of mirror.


I need enough business to cover the bandwidth costs... anyone need a website/bot/anything (legal) hosted? Good rates I promise. :-P

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