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This topic is continued from the suggestions section, but it definitely doesn't belong there anymore.


I built the client from source, and moved my built client into the correct folder (aka the standard version of the client I downloaded). The build went fine, without errors (thanks to your guys' help). However, the text turns into a bunch of colored boxes when I start the client. I tried building it with and without the -DFONTS_FIX option, but to no avail. All of the textures in the game also show up missing.


Here's the old topic:



System stats:

AMD 64 3800+

SuSE Linux 10.1 64-Bit

1024 MB DDR2 RAM

160 GB HD partitioned into a windows-linux dual-boot

I'm running EL 1.3.1p2

PCI-E NVidia 6800 (with latest drivers)

ASUS A8N-E Motherboard

Internet is a cable 6 Mbps downstream



error_log.txt WITHOUT DFONTS_FIX

[13:11:14] Error: Can't open file "./textures/fontv.bmp"
[13:11:15] Error: Can't open file "quest.log"
[13:11:15] Error: Can't open file "./tmp/temp000.dat"
[13:11:15] Error: Can't open file "commands.lst"
[13:11:30] Error: Can't open file "./particles/moon_bubbles1.part"
Last message repeated 3 times
[13:11:33] Client closed


error_log.txt WITH DFONTS_FIX:


[22:40:29] Error: Can't open file "quest.log"
[22:40:29] Error: Can't open file "./tmp/temp000.dat"
[22:40:29] Error: Can't open file "commands.lst"
[22:43:28] Client closed


And a screenshot.


Edited by kooseefoo

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Are you using Xgl? I had many problems with that on Ubuntu. Also have you seen this thread which appears to be a similar problem?

Edited by bluap

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For some unknown reasons, your fonts are messed up.


Click on the rightmost icon (config) and change the fonts settings.



Do that and ensure your data_dir is set correctly in ~/.elc/el.ini.

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Hmmm... I'm pretty sure that the datadir is set correctly (when it wasn't, the game wouldn't even run). However, bluap hit the nail on the head with XGL. I'll try rebuilding it completely from a username that isn't running XGL...




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I was trying to compile this game on Mandriva 64bit and I was stumped too.


Well, maybe I will look at this again and give it another shot.

The dependencies are a bit of a pain.


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