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I can't seem to play

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I've been able to play on my sister's computer since the update, which has a Radeon 9200 SE video card. I haven't been able to play in a while, but today I tried to play while my sister was out and about.


For some reason, once I put in my username and password, it stays on the welcome screen. No error message, no "work" being dedicated by the computer to load up the maps. My friend Anthropologist has confirmed that my character is logged in, although nothing is happening on my side. When I close the game, it simply closes, no error message whatsoever.


Thinking that it could possibly be just my character, I reopen the game and try to create a new character. Everything works perfectly fine until I try to click on "done." Nothing happens. Even stranger, when I try to change the username afterwards, trying to see if that was the problem, the game exited cleanly, no error message, no warning whatsoever.


My error log is as follows:

Log started at 2005-10-08 11:44:50

Error: Can't open file "./textures/fontv.bmp"

No Anim: ./animations/player_slash1.caf (repeated hundreds of times)

No Anim: ./animations/canine_pain.caf

No Anim: ./animations/canine_idlel.caf

Error: can't open file "./textures/particle5.bmp"

Error: can't open file "./textures/particle6.bmp"

Error: can't open file "./textures/particle7.bmp"


I am aware that these problems are common and can be easily fixed. However, I have had these problems since the beginning (when I was able to log on to EL), so I do not think they have anything to do with this particular problem. Any suggestions?

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Well, uninstalled and reinstalled everything into a fresh directory. Same problems. New error in the list, the quest log one lol. Any other suggestions? How might I best be able to help you figure out the problem?

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As stated in the first post, it's a Radeon 9200 SE. And I've been able to play EL since the update on that computer, so I know EL can work on it. For some reason however, it won't let me play now.


Edit: Anthropologist had mentioned that someone else had the same problem, and the solution was to download from the other mirror, for example downloading the European version instead of the U.S. version. I uninstalled EL and reinstalled it using the European mirror, as I had used the U.S. mirror before. No luck, same error log.

Edited by Kendai

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Can you please specify:


Processor Speed (in GHz)

RAM (in MB; 1 GB = 1024 MB)

Graphics Card (model, maker, and video memory [in MB])

Hard drive space (In GB)

Version of Eternal Lands running

Operating System and version

Internet connection speed.

What else you have running other than eternal lands. This includes on the taskbar on Windows.


And what version of the graphics drivers you have.

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Okay, here we go.


1. Pentium 4 CPU 3.20 GHz

2. 512 MB

3. ATI Radeon 9200 SE, version Unable to find out what video memory is.

4. 121 GB free, 22.0 GB used

5. I assume it's the latest version, since I just downloaded it.

6. Windows XP

7. LAN, or high speed internet (connecting through a university network, though I have had no problems before)

8. Windows Task manager, after the problem. Other than that, nothing else.

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To tell you honestly, I have no idea. I am rather a n00b at computers, so I've given you what information I can, mainly from trial and error.


How would I be able to check? And if I do not, how would I install it? As I've said before, since the update EL has been able to work on that computer. Today seems to be the exception, however, and I'm trying to figure out why.

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Go into the EL folder and do the following


Error: Can't open file "./textures/fontv.bmp"- go into the textures folder, right click on the file font and copy it and name it fontv.bmp.


No Anim: ./animations/player_slash1.caf- go into the animations folder and click on the file player_slash and copy it and name it player_slash1.bmp


No Anim: ./animations/canine_pain.caf-" " " right click on the file canine_pain1.caf and copy it and rename it canine_pain.caf


No Anim: ./animations/canine_idlel.caf --same process as before


Error: can't open file "./textures/particle5.bmp"--textures folder,right click on particle4.bmp and copy and rename it particle5.bmp


Error: can't open file "./textures/particle6.bmp"--textures folder,right click on particle4.bmp and copy and rename it particle6.bmp


Error: can't open file "./textures/particle7.bmp"--textures folder,right click on particle4.bmp and copy and rename it particle.bmp



as far as the questlog--open notepad and save a blank notepad and name it whatever it says for the file.

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Did everything as you've asked. I still get the quest.log error, but everything else has disappeared, thank you. However, I am still having the same problems as before, so I don't think it's solved anything. Sorry -_-

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Did everything as you've asked. I still get the quest.log error, but everything else has disappeared, thank you. However, I am still having the same problems as before, so I don't think it's solved anything. Sorry -_-




Did you save a blank quest log as quest.log ?

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Funny thing happened... renamed the file quest_log, deleted the error log to start fresh, and this time it lets me through... sort of. I actually get to the game itself, but it's completely gray. I can't move, type, or eat the fruit I have in the quick items bar. I was able to exit without error. I'll post a screenie as I can.


Meanwhile, my error log still says it can't find the file "quest.log" and this time there's a new error: "got invalid sound number." Any suggestions?





Click on the image for a larger view. Check out that FPS :icon13: lol

Edited by Kendai

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Make a text-file and name it quest.log, should remove that error.


For the graphics drivers:

Get the uninstall tool and then reinstall the graphics drivers again.

For WinXP this paricular driver set is called: 5-9_xp-2k_dd_cp_wdm_26409.exe

You find the drivers here:



And the catalyst uninstaller, you find here: https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9448/1m/dlm...uninstaller.exe

Edited by Derin

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I did that before with naming a text file quest.log, but the error persists.


As for the second suggestion, well, it's my sister's computer, not mine. I don't want to mess it up if I do something wrong in installing the drivers. No EL for me then. Sorry to bother you all.


Edit: I still don't understand why EL worked perfectly fine before and now suddenly I'm having problems. Even after the update, I was still able to play. The video card should not have been a problem. I simply haven't played for about 1-2 weeks, and I come back to find all these problems.

Edited by Kendai

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I am required by the university to have an anitvirus program running. I have Clean Access Agent, distributed by Cisco Systems, as my log in to the network and Symantec AntiVirus as the antivirus program. Both are up-to-date. I have played EL under both before with no problem. I have not changed antivirus programs since, although there have been updates to the virus definitions.

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Could be related to this:


When the client crashes, I re-open to find my food level down a little further...

If it crashes, then I leave the log in page open, I think I'm logged in even without actually logging in, because my username is saved so that I don't need to type it.

Also, sometimes I'll just open the game, do something else, then log in to find lots of stuff people said... approx. 5 minutes worth of chat.


I think you still stay somehow logged in for a couple minutes after it crashes.

Also, if your name is saved for quick log in, I think it logs you in automatically when you open the client without you knowing it.

(Maybe noone can see you, but you somehow still see stuff people said. =S)

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Well, I have nothing in my chat log like people talking or anything. And I don't have my name saved for quick log-in. People can see me log in, but it's me that can't see lol.

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Well, I have nothing in my chat log like people talking or anything. And I don't have my name saved for quick log-in. People can see me log in, but it's me that can't see lol.




You've got Norton? There have been some people saying that Norton is falsely reporting that EL contains a virus and will not let them play until they clear the security log in Norton. It's worth a shot.





I typoed in instructions, not sure if this will help


Error: can't open file "./textures/particle7.bmp"--textures folder,right click on particle4.bmp and copy and rename it particle7.bmp


Make sure that one is renames particle7.bmp




Check this thread for the Norton issue



Edited by LadyWolf

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I have Symantec AntiVirus, an antivirus program that the school provides for me since I'm too poor to afford Norton's. I do believe it's the cheap version of Norton's though, since it likes to direct me to their site when I need to update it.


Unfortunately, the Symantec set-up is very confusing (even more confusing than Norton's, if that were possible). All I can really do is update the antivirus definitions and do scans. Everything else applies to E-mail and files on my computer, nothing about threats from the Internet itself, which really doesn't make since. **sigh** I hate computers.


I'll try disabling it temporarily and trying again to see if that works. I'll edit this post when I'm done.


Edit: Disabled the auto-protect. No luck. Any other suggestions? Otherwise when my sister gets back, I'll ask about the video cards, although as I've said before it should not have been a problem, since I've been able to play since the update otherwise.

Edited by Kendai

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