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Guest henchster

list of idea and suggestion

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Guest henchster

if u have any question feel free to contact me at edmund_4ever@hotmail.com


now i am trying to gather all idea from all mmorpg forum and making it into one but this is just one part of it


a long list of idea about the game happy reading


i have a bad english maybe some one can help me correct them also i have also make a Compiled of Role-Playing Issues see at http://computercity.3.forumer.com/index.ph...hp?showtopic=74 hope u like it


And So this is all my suggestion and more idea and suggestion will come,


will there be a player houseing and it will allow player to build custom design and player must collect different meterial to build up the house and each house allow player to rent some thing to use and can hire NPC to help them sell item that they found and renting part of the space to other ppl for temporarily as to rest . and making your own shop with custom selling item building farm rear animals for food open your own bar making custom potion doing all different kind of cloth having a blacksmith that help make and sell item


and maybe housing allow them to add on some stuff like a thoese Non-Combat Jobs example Woodcutter. allow it to build a shop that sell wood foar player that wanna build a house or making furniture ,Miner allow it to hve a blacksmith to forge item and stuff, Witch Doctor allow to have a Potion making abilites and stuff, farmer having a farm to grow crops.


In every place NPCs should be standing around or making them walk (a good idea making them walk ), the cities will serve as a place for adventuring, shopping, training, socializing, and much more.


also having inn/Taverns. inn or taverns should located in all major cities and some towns, for all player to chat and have a drink to recover health, trading with other player, Discuss and celebrate your conquests with your tavernmates Or, relax with friends over a mug of beer and some good gossip, and a banking system, Banks should provide places to store the hard-earned relics, money and treasures that is gain throughout the adventures and also if player have alot of money in the bank the can have a interest rate that give player a little money for storing in the bank or maybe player can open their own bank having they own interest rate it be fun and making player pay money for storing stuff .


Player should also able to learn Blacksmithing Engineering Alchemy Leatherworking Tailoring And Cooking these skill can be learn by some NPC and also need to gather item to make to stuff or item and food also Fishing Herbalism Mining Skinning. these will help in gathering item need. and if player can make thoese item or food they can sell it in return earing money


having mailing system with this we can mail gifts to other players, and even wrap them up using wrapping paper. Mailboxes should be place near Inns or Taverns and houseing places, and having different type of mail Normal Mail or Package Mailing, each time they mail will required them to pay for the services


Pet having pet that some are allow to attack but some are guarding the door of player that have house to prevent Stealer from stealing stuff. Pet can be catch or Summon, Pet training You can gain new abilities for your pet by visiting a pet trainer for that specific pet. having pet trainers all around different plces so it wont be find so easily. And allow pet to lvl up same as the player itself, also Engineers anew job that i think of can craft item for pet also helping ppl to craft and forge item. Pet should also allow the player to ride on them to travel faster or having some other transporting system example ship or flying meterial.


Quests having Completing quests is the easiest way to get money, earn equipment, and more quest that only Specific job and having special skill that only the specific job have, quest also give experience to player and having Quest Items that cant be find only after doing the quest given as a rewards and players can select the reward that interests them the most. Also making guild quest to allow more interaction between guild member.


dungeons includes tombs, haunted mines, ice caves, sunken ships and Deadmines, each dugeons should have treasure that some boss or monster wil be guarding it. All treasue should be hidden or drop by strong mob which is hard to reached.


Villages NPCs these NPC tell you thing which can give you information on quest and stuff, entertain you, or lead you to a quest. And some of thoese will give u junk. and also enable them to move around


Directions NPC these NPCs can give you directions in the big cities. Talk to that them and they will offer to tell you how to get to various places. Once you select the location they will place a special arrow to guide u


Merchant, Each town should have a merchants that will sell armor, weapons, food, drinks, trade skill components, and more, and maybe some time merchat might sell special items. NPCs should sell limited special/rare items . And they will have only limited item Once that it bought, the item is gone and who knows when they will get more!


Traveling Merchants ( this merchat move)

these merchants make their rounds around the Place or town if player see a traveling salesman, stop them and see what they have to sell. It might be very rare. And it take a very long time to see them or u might find other different merchants coming


skill Lockpicking allows players to open locked chests and doors. even stealing item from player house also learing thoese skill will required some NPC to teach the skill and buy item that required to do that, lockpicking doing this will allow player with only this skill to find treasure that is in the treasure box


bookstores or libary this stores allow spell caster or from any job to learn spell by buying the book not instace learn it required some lvl and item to make the spell also the bookstores contain alot of infor about the different place and can help in quest and finding rare item, and player can also wrote a book on any stuff or guide as a refence to other player also they can sell that to earn money


auction system these system will allow player to action for stuff item or any stuff, also allow house to be auction, house that is build by ppl or GM can be auction, and the highest bidder get all.


think that all and i don think my idea will ever come true it too much for the game

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Errr.... have you even PLAYED the game? Lots of the things you talked about have already been done or will never be done. there are already non-combat jobs (EX: harvesting, alchemy, magic, potionmaking) and houses (pay ent $50) and a quest. as for pets, its been mentioned many times. Remember, icon_mini_search.gifSearch before you post! :wink:

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Guest henchster

ya i play the game long ago around 8 moth ago and the site have now change to a better skin 8) not sure now all idea have be in but i will try come up more idea to help out and stuff

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